why don't you give me
your phone number?
When I finish
watching it tonight...
I could give you a call
and then maybe bring it over.
No, I don't want to see it
that badly, thank you.
Okay, it seemed like back there
there was some sort of emergency...
like you needed to
see it tonight or somethin'.
Now you got me feeling like
I'm some kind of shit heel.
Like I should've given you
the video back there...
like it would've been
the gentlemanly thing to do.
Well, it would've been,
but you missed your opportunity.
Then why don't you let me
make it up to you?
Why don't we go in here
and get a cup of coffee?
We could talk and--
Am I coming on too strong?
I just was thinking,
we could get some coffee--
Okay, how about this?
In exchange for the video now,
I'll give you my phone number.
If you call me later this week,
we'll do coffee then.
But how do I know that you'll
give me the right number?
We are making a deal here.
You're either in or you're out.
I'm in.
Return it on time, so I don't
have to pay the hefty late fee.
You don't know his name,
what he does for a living.
You don't know where he lives.
But you gave him your phone number.
Look, he seems
like a nice enough guy.
We just kinda skipped
the personal stuff.
You are supposed to start
with the personal stuff.
Where do you live?
What do you do for a living?
Like a basic background check.
What if this guy calls you?
You don't know him.
He could be a sexual deviant.
I don't know-- something.
He was renting
Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Hardly the kind of movie the
neighborhood perv would get off on.
Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Okay, well, he's gay.
Did I tell you the ratio between
single, straight, employed men...
and single, straight women
in this town?
- Yes, many times.
- I did, right?
Okay. So don't get your panties
in a bunch over this guy.
I bet he'd rather redecorate
your apartment than, you know--
Than what?
Than take care of his manly
obligations, that's what.
My name is Maria Tedesco,
and my age is none of your business.