Sidewalks of New York

Why would you even
go see her again?

- I miss her very much.
- You don't. You're just horny.

When was the last time
you got laid?

I don't know.
Like a month or so.

A month or so?
Yeah, it was like October
or November.

You know what? It's March.
That's four months.

You got a semen buildup.
It's clouding your judgment.

Go out, find yourself someone,
you get laid.

I guarantee you, one week
in a new relationship...

you're gonna forget
all about Maria...

Remember why you got divorced?
- I cheated on her.
- You cheated on her because what?

You were miserable
and too young to get married.

Dude, we're gonna be rock stars.
We got no time for wives.

We're gonna have scores of groupies
to do whatever we want.

Right? Listen.
If you're horny, get a hooker.
No, see, that's for you.
- I couldn't do that.
- What's wrong with a hooker?

I don't want it on my résumé.
I don't wanna have kids,
and have the kids find out...

that their father
was with a hooker.

How the fuck
they gonna find that out?

I don't know.
It's not even like I have
a moral stance here.

- Forget I brought it up.
- That's not for me.

Forget it.
I gotta roll.
I gotta meet my mom uptown.

She's taking me shopping
at Bloomingdale's. Wanna come?

I gotta get back to work, buddy.
- I'll see you at rehearsal.
- Yeah. All right, man.

- Be good.
- Take it easy.

- See you at rehearsal.
- Check you later, man.

Excuse me.
- Would you like anything else?
- No, I'm all right.

- Just the check.
- Okay.

I was thinking that Gio was right
about what he had said.

Maybe I should get back out there
and start looking for a girl.

So when I thought that waitress
at the coffee shop--

She's gorgeous.
It was obvious to me she was
sending me those kinds of signals...
