- What's going on, Lance?
- Not much.
Just wanted to see how you were.
- Me? Regarding what?
- Just in general.
You seemed a little distracted
I wanted to make sure
everything was all right.
- I'm fine.
- Annie?
- She's fine.
- And the little girl?
- You know.
- Griff.
Why don't you get
a divorce already?
You're not being fair to Annie.
I told you,
I can't get a divorce again.
- Come on.
- Why not?
Because then I'd be
a two-time loser.
Come on, Lance.
If you knew how much money my first
wife took from me every month...
it would break your heart.
I had to give up the town house.
I can't go through that again.
So you're telling me that you're
just resigned to the fact...
that you're gonna stay married
to a woman you don't love...
for the rest of your life?
I love Annie.
That's not what--
How many couples do you know
stay together for a long time...
and they talk about passion,
the sex, the lust?
It doesn't happen.
After a while, people stay married
for other reasons.
They stay together for
companionship, stability, security.
I mean, that's what happens.
It's normal.
When you get up in the morning,
you look in the mirror...
you like what you see?
Well, my name is Griffin Eretso.
I'm 39. I'm from the Bronx.
I've been married for six years.
You know,
the thing with Ashley is--
You know, the little girl.
I really love her. I do.
She's great.
What am I gonna do?
I'm married.
I can't get another divorce.
I love spending time with her.
We have a great time together.
She's a great kid, but can I imagine
spending any real time with her?
I mean, maybe. I don't know.
I think that's why I like to
keep it restricted to hotel rooms.