You could stay
and live with it...
but that's pathetic.
Or you could...
have an affair yourself.
Do you think that Harry
has ever had an affair?
I think that's what
that log cabin shit was about.
Yeah, he wants
a place to take them.
Why do you stay with him, then?
Or what? Get another divorce?
No way.
God, too much work.
How can you stay with him
knowing he's had an affair?
I don't know.
Because I did the same thing.
You did? Oh, my God!
When? You did?
With my gyno.
Your gynecologist?
Oh, my God.
Isn't that illegal or something?
Are you kidding me?
It's heaven.
Think about it. If there's
one thing that guy knows about--
What does he do?
Annie's problem is
she's an idealist.
She actually believes
all that shit about true love...
and living happily ever after.
She really believes
there are good guys out there.
She just has to remember
that, you know...
men are like a disease...
and, unfortunately...
most onus have already
been infected.
And as far as I can tell...
there's no cure.
Are you from New York originally?
Yeah. Queens.
That's not really New York,
is it?
No, that's really New York.
In fact, in my book,
that's the real New York.
Why? Where are you from?
The Upper East Side,
born and raised.
The Upper East Side?
That's not really New York.
What does your dad do for a living?
Is he a Wall Street guy?
He's a lawyer.
What does he have to do
with making this a great city?
We, on the other hand--
the bridge and tunnel crowd...
the outer borough folk--
we're the ones that built this city.
We gave our blood and guts
to this town.
One of my grandfathers
was a sand hog.
Helped build the Lincoln
and Holland tunnel.
Ended up dying of emphysema
from all the dust.