No, I can't do that.
You said you gotta get to work, so--
Don't worry about it.
Come on. You got
the kids waiting, right?
I'll get the next one.
See you around.
With Maria, quite honestly,
I don't know what happened.
Went out a couple times.
I thought we had a good time.
Obviously, we must've.
We had sex
the second time we went out.
I think I got a little freaked out
sleeping with another guy.
It's not like I didn't like him.
I hadn't slept with anyone
since Benjamin.
It just got me a little scared.
After that, she tried
to kick me out of the house.
I called her a bunch of times.
She never called me back.
I guess I got the hint
and stopped calling.
How did you feel when you
saw Maria and Tommy together?
My pal? My pal Tommy. Yeah.
It's terrible she'd let
a guy like that into her home.
That's the apartment
I shared with her.
To think that that guy was showering
under the showerhead I installed...
makes me very angry.
You actually pay attention
to your horoscope?
I read it every day.
It's actually pretty accurate.
Accurate? In what way?
It keys me into what
to watch out for in life.
Why I may be feeling
a particular way on a certain day.
What did today's tell you?
See what it says.
It said-- Yeah, right.
"You have had your fill
of certain people.
Make a clean break.
There are, however,
changes in the air.
A person in uniform
could deliver the key...
to your love life and happiness."
Get out of here.
It says that?
That's me! That is me.
You know what? That's me.
I am the man in the uniform
that can deliver...
the key to your love life
and your happiness.
I wear a uniform.
Unless it's your mailman.
What kind of relationship
do you have with him?
Her. So you don't have to worry.
You know what?
You said you don't buy into
the whole astrology thing.
So, therefore,
this does not apply to us.