My cousin Carmen.
She'll stay for a few days.
Easy... I didn't mean
to frighten you.
how you've changed.
Who'd have thought
it was same person...
...as in this photo?
It isn't the same person.
That was fifteen years ago.
Many used to show me how
to box, didn't you, cousin?
Elbows tucked
in at the sides.
Did you forget what
I taught you?
Stop fooling around!
The doctor told me
not to box again.
There's something wrong
with my head.
Christ, Many, I'm so sorry!
I really wanted to see you
box again.
Fucking hell!
Where shall I put it?
-In the album.
-Where is it?
On the sideboard.
Put it in the green one.
There's room at the front.
You won't last five minutes.
Elbows tucked in at the
sides, don't forget.
In case you hear
your responsibles to say...
...I'm absent for
illness or tireness...
...use this key
and follow my instructions.
Jack Davenport.
How's my mother?
The last time I saw her,
she was fine.