Sin noticias de Dios

The letter we sent.
Please, stop talking about
politics all day.

They can't fire people
for that.

And if it's only rumors...
Don't you believe it, then?
They won't fire you,
so why should you care?

I signed it too.
Stop pretending, Lola.
We all know you're the
personnel officer's cousin...

...and she lives with you.
Our husbands are out of
work too, you know.

Antonia Jimenez,
to personnel, please.

So we shouldn't listen to

''Mother, I'm living in Madrid.
I'm married now.

My wife's called Lola
and she's very clever.

She's been to college.
Cousin Carmen is staying
with us.

I fought in the Spanish
championship in 1999.

I now work in a supermarket.
Your loving son, Many.''
What do you think?
Fine, but you didn't say sorry.
You're right.
That's it.
Many, why's your mother
mad at you?

-Something I did...
-Tell me about it.

What for? It's not important.
It happened a long time ago.
That doesn't matter.
Tell me...

I took money she'd saved
for my brother's education.

I wanted to be a boxer,
but she wanted me to work...

I needed the money
to get on...

Go and post it then.
