Sin noticias de Dios

Yes, if you like it.
Don't wait for me.
See you.
Sorry, but I needed
to see you...

...downhere, I was drowning.
Don't worry,
why is it so urgent?

I want you to replace me.
Why? You're doing it all right.
No, I'm not doing it right,
I lost interest and...

It's about her, right?
I feel strange things.
I'm very confused.
You must replace me,
you must...

...send another agent
or we will lose Many.

I can't. The truth is...
...there's nobody else.
I can't replace you.

The old ones don't know
what to do down there.

-And the new ones?
-They don't work.

Most of them are here because
of objective conditions...

...not for their own merits.
They don't integrate,
they just watch TV...

...and eat hamburguers.
They are a disaster.

Are we so bad?
Worse than that.
And my audience?
There's no other choice, Lola.
Keeping this is
very expensive.

And to tell you the truth,
it's not easy.

If we don't have a radical
change, we won't...

...resist more than a year.
You must get Many to
come with us at any price.

But Many is just one soul.
I don't know how...

Do you know the story
of Cleopatra's nose?
