Someone Like You

Will be!
We cannot sell this show...

on the pissant advertising budget
they've given us.

We need to be
streaming 24-7,

and we need to make
every show count.

- Remember, it is all
about the get.
- The get.

We cannot make a splash
if we only get...

the gets that everybody's
already gotten.

- I need the ungettable get, got it?
- Got it.

Okay, where are we
on Fidel?

Uh, well,
I spoke with Juanita,

his, um,
foreign press secretary,

who assured me
that the moment...

el presidente was back
from his fantasy baseball camp...

she would
approach him about it.

And what did she say?
He might be interested?

Did she discuss
his availability?

Tell me, do you think
we have a shot here?

- Jane?
- Sorry.

I said what do you think your
chances are of getting this guy?

I think they're good, Diane.
I think they're very good.
Uh, j-just a minute.
I thought I'd just, um,
do a few sit-ups.
