Someone Like You

I love you, Jane.
I love you too.
He just came right out and said it,
after only six weeks.

Oh, my God. Takes most guys
like a year to use the "L" word.

When they finally do,
they're usually, you know,

on top of you,
so it doesn't really count.

- What about the "D" woman?
- He's telling her tomorrow night.

- Why didn't he tell her already?
- He's in a complicated situation.

Anyhow, if he were
having second thoughts,

I hardly think he would've
asked me to live with him.

He asked you to live with him?
Oh, my God.

He asked you to live with him?
Oh, my God.

- What did you say?
- I must've said yes or something to that effect...

because he started calling realtors,
and I gave my landlord notice.

Ohh! Mazel tov!
Oh, I can't believe this!
You're getting asked
to play house by some guy,

and I'm still on
the blind date circuit from hell.

I take it last night
did not go very well.

Awful. Do me a favor. Next
time Julian offers to set me up...

with one of his straight friends,
shoot me before I say yes.

I'm in a sad state.
And I'm telling you,
it's just screaming potential.

H- Hello?
- I didn't mean to intrude.
- No, we're fine.

Didn't you want to seethe patio?
Come on out.

Isn't it just wonderful?
Wait'll you see the view.
