- Good.
- Drove down Highway 84...
sobbing to high heaven,
going nowhere.
Finally had to pull over
'cause I couldn't see the road no more.
Aw, hon.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't be telling you
all this, giving you troubles.
You've got enough on your mind.
- Well, I gotta go, Sissy.
- So soon?
The kids get out of school at 3:00,
and I gotta explain to 'em about G.W.
I am so sorry about Peggy.
She was a really good woman,
in spite of--
- Tell LaVonda to call me.
- I will.
And those Valium ought to kick in
any minute. Oh, here.
Take these with ya.
I got another bottle.
- Oh, thank you.
- Aw.
Bye-bye, hon.
Thanks for the casserole.
Now you hold
your head up high, ya hear?
- I'll try.
- I mean it.
[ Crying ]
Oh, shit.
And as I rounded a corner,
these kids was a-holdin'
down that pig...
while they was
a-stickin' a garden hose
down that poor pig's throat...
trying to get it to gain weight
right quick like to qualify.
All for the sake of a durn blue ribbon.
Oh, those dang kids. They all looked
like juvenile delinquents to me...
squattin' that pig down there,
shovin' that hose down his poor throat.
Well, she's just gone crazy
over this whole ordeal.
Who wouldn't?
Uh-uh. No, no. Uh-uh.
No. No, no, no.
No, ma'am.
No, sirree. No.
I don't believe Brother Boy
is mentally stable enough
to come to the funeral.
The last time I seen him,
he thought he was Tammy Wynette.