Auditions, struggling, waiting tables.
You know,
after you kicked me to the curb...
and broke my heart
into a million pieces...
I just started doing anything I could.
I have finally finished my musical.
Yeah. I'm showcasing it
over at Theater/Theater.
Well, that's great.
[ Phone Ringing ]
- You're angry.
- Look, I am not angry, okay?
- I know. Sara, I'm sorry.
- No. I mean, I am so over it.
You said you'd call, keep in touch.
You didn't.
- Sara, I--
- Didn't return my calls.
So I just put you in my--
in my loser/flake file.
[ Bell Dings ]
I'm sorry.
Dr. Applegate keeps telling me
to get in touch with my real feelings...
and to tell the truth
to myself and other people.
So, that's what I'm doing lately.
Maybe she can help you do the same.
But after that trip, I called him,
and I told him:
"If you're gonna play a homosexual,
don't waste it on theater.
""Win an Academy Award,
for God's sake, like...
""that famous actor
in that Spider Woman movie...
""or Tom Hanks in that other thing
that I didn't particularly care for.
- But don't waste it on--'"
- [ Woman ] Noleta.
That's LaVonda.
- Morning, Miss Hinkle.
- Oh, hi.
Oh, Lord. Noleta!
You're gonna back me
on this mink stole thing.
- Well--
- Thank you.
- [ LaVonda ] It's me.
- [ Pounding On Noleta's Door ]
I can't believe how she dresses.
[ Latrelle ]
In public.
- Getting an eyeful, honey?
- Struttin'like a bally rooster.
[ Door Chimes Jingle ]
-Well, what, Latrelle? Oh, hello, Sissy.
- How you doing, shug?
- I'm fine.