I'll tell you another thing
I can't get off of my mind.
- Oh, hell.
- That eleven-hundred pound man.
I swear to Christ,
if you tell that one again...
I'm gonna beat you half to death.
- They had to rescue him--
- Put your hands over your heads
and don't anybody make a move!
Right now! Move it!
Noleta, what the hell
you think you're doing, woman?
We just watched Thelma and Louise
and we're pissed.
-At men.
-All men! Especially the three of y'all.
- Hey,Juanita.
- Hey, sugar. How you doing?
What are you
pissed at me for?
What'd I ever do?
You live and breathe, Odell.
So just shut up and stop
asking questions.
- We'll ask the questions, okay?
- Okay!
You make me sick, G.W.
Just lookin' at you makes me
wanna kill you dead.
- Come on, Noleta. Now--
- It's Thelma!
- I thought I was Thelma.
- No. Thelma's the one
with the shitty husband.
Hey, I said hands over your head, G.W.
You too, Wardell!
I mean it. Now.
- Okay. Okay.
- Well, hello there, Wardell.
Hi, LaVonda.
You're lookin' good.
Yeah? Well, I work at it.
You and your nitwit brother over there
beat up any queers lately?
- Hey, I ain't no nitwit.
- Liar!
- Y'all are drunk.
- No shit. And I'm on Valium too.
LaVonda, I feel real bad
over that incident with Brother Boy.
- Ohh. You feel bad, huh?
- Yeah.
- He feels bad.
- Bad.
You feel bad and he's rotting
in a crazy farm because of you!
Well, big deal, Wardell.
It's time to get even.
- That happened over 20 years ago!
- I don't wanna hear about it...
so you just shut the hell up.
- And I mean it.
- Okay. Okay. Don't shoot.
- I don't like this.
- I don't know why you boys
are peeing in your Wranglers.
Them guns ain't loaded.