
Shit! Those losers are
presidents now,

and now they order me around.
Just wait!
When this novel comes out,
l'll be right back at the top.

And l'll raised my kids myself.
lt'll all work out!
Today we'll have
a drink at my place,

but it's all on me
after my book comes out!

Don't worry about it.
-You were big help.
-What help?

You're the only witness of
that tragedy thirty years ago.

You're 'Mr. Kim the barber.'
Why is my last name Kim?
lt's Song!

All the characters in
my novel are cursed.

So how can l use
their real names?

Am l cursed, too?
l told you that 'Mr. Kim
the barber' lives till the end.

What's going on?
This building is a dump!
Come on, you scared me.
l almost had a heart attack.

l thought you said her ghost is
wandering around this building.

lt's just a novel.
