It's kind of difficult
to explain.
I think you better
tell us everything.
I've been using company resources
for personal benefit.
For the past year,
l've been routing
one of our satellites...
over some retirement property
that I'm thinking about buying.
What the hell is that?
Harker, let me see that.
Because of the changing
weather patterns and the erosion...
that's occurring a long
the coast line of the beaches,
and the fact that
it's my life savings,
I just wanted to be sure.
I believe l'll sit in
for the rest of this.
Aiken, where did
you leave off yesterday?
Beirut, sir.
We still don't know how Hadley
wound up in a Chinese prison.
- Should we go
off the record with this, sir?
- No. Let's get on with this.
After the bombing,
Hadley was a concern.
Not only to Middle East operations
but to Bishop 's life.
So I brokered a trade
with the Chinese government,
using Hadley in exchange for
a U.S. diplomat convicted of espionage.
And she was flown
to a high-security prison
near Su Chou, eastern China.
The place was cleared out
and a ''Dear John'' saying
they were through...