After all,
they were on different sides...
so they could never
be seen together.
Dinner dates followed...
wherever their mutual
travels took them.
And they fell in love...
and they decided
that, together...
they would embark...
on the most dangerous mission
of all time.
INGRID: They decided to marry.
INGRID: Oh, yes.
On her wedding day...
she felt like
she would rather brave...
a thousand deadly missions...
than go through with what
she was about to attempt.
CARMEN: Why is that?
Well, marriage is a mission
so complex...
that only the most courageous
and slightly insane need apply.
There's such an amazing
series of obstacles...
one has to navigate
to keep a marriage together--
much less family--
that it frightened even her...
a hardened
and experienced secret agent.
But when she saw him...
standing there
with no doubt whatsoever...
so assured of his decision...
so enamored with what
they were about to do...
she took his hand...
looked deep into his eyes...
and said
the two most dangerous...
most trusting words
you can say to anyone.
INGRID: She said, "I do. "
CARMEN: Oh, that's so cool.
Then the problems started.
[Plane engine roars]
INGRID: Now, there was
always some faction...
that wanted at least
one of them gone.
On their own,
each agent was notorious...
but together,
they made tempting targets.