X-5-2-4-9-5, the second.
This is your big idea?
Robot kids
that look like my children.
The president's daughter?
An almost-exact replica.
Sometimes in order
to think big...
you have to think small.
FLOOP: Through
physio-electrical imaging...
I can make them
look like anyone...
yet the cunning
and intelligence...
of the world's greatest
espionage agents...
all rolled into tiny packages
I call "Spy Kids."
Tell me, Spy Kids...
with your vast
stores of knowledge...
what are four of the five
physiological indications...
that a human being is lying?
[Speaking in robot language]
They're not quite finished.
Missing one crucial element.
Missing what?
Their brains.
These buckets of bolts
will never pass as children !
We have a schedule to keep,
a window of opportunity
that's closing fast!
We will be back in two days
to pick up our army...
or we'll take whatever
you do have, cut our losses...
and lay your entire
silly empire to waste!
No more time.
Escort Mr. Lisp
back to his chopper, children.
Ow! Ow!
- That was brilliant, sir.
- Thank you, Minion.
Now all I have to do
is make them work for real.
- You're going where?
- On assignment.
Several OSS agents are missing,
including Donnagon.
No ransom, no demands.
They just disappeared.
After nine years,
you are accepting an assignment?