[Machines beeping]
This place is amazing.
How safe is a safe house
if there's nothing to eat?
[Gears winding]
"Machete's Buddy Pack"?
Whoa !
Emergency cash?
From every country.
I think I'd better
take all of that.
Check it out.
Thank you, Carmen !
We'll see them again.
Just like they said.
So this time
we're supposed to believe them.
Let's stop worrying
about the children.
They still wear diapers.
Only one is in diapers
and only at night.
It's not that unusual, OK?
This is why I never wanted
to go on another mission.
Are you blaming me for this?
An hour ago you seemed happy
to be back in the game.
An hour ago
I was not a prisoner of war.
OK, we're a little rusty,
that's all.
This is one way to find out
who's behind all this.
If I can just get
the pressure right.