He had this tremendous confidence
and if he hadn't. . .
. . .I don't think he could have worked
with Lucien Ballard as he had.
The cameraman was Lucien Ballard.
Lucien had, I believe,
won an Academy Award. . .
. . .was regarded as one of the top 1 2
or so photographers in the business.
He was a particularly stylish fellow,
married to Merle Oberon. . .
. . .a classic example of the old-style
Stanley had done his own photography
on his two previous films. . .
. . .so he knew exactly what he wanted,
and I think that Ballard. . .
. . .resented this kid from New York.
The first shot of the picture,
first day, first shot. . .
. . .Stanley set up a shot.
It was quite complex.
It was a long dolly shot.
And he's lined it up specifically
with a 25 mm lens.
He set it up and turned it over
to Lucien and Lucien said, "Fine" . . .
. . .and began the elaborate business of
lighting and setting a dolly track.
Stanley went over to talk to Jimmy
or do something. . .
. . .and looked back over his shoulder
and noticed that the dolly track. . .
. . .was much further away
from where he had set the camera.
He said to Lucien,
"What are you doing, Lucien?
I put the camera here,
you're pulling it way back.
Why haven't you put it
where I've asked?"
He said, "I haven't changed anything.
I'm using a 50 mm lens. . .
. . .to give you precisely the same
coverage that you've asked for. . .
. . .but with the 50. It makes. . .
. . .my job a lot easier and it'll go
a lot faster. "
Stanley listened to this and said:
"What about the change
in perspective that occurs?"
He said, "That doesn't matter. "
That particular piece of information
is dead wrong.
The perspective changes.
It's a different shot.