Slaves. . .
. . .you have arrived at the gladiatorial
school of Lentulus Batiatus.
Here you will be trained by experts
to fight in pairs to the death.
You won't be required to fight
to the death here.
That will only be after you're sold. . .
. . .and then for people of quality.
Those who appreciate a fine kill.
A gladiator's like a stallion.
He must be pampered.
You'll be oiled, bathed, shaved,
massaged. . .
. . .taught to use your heads.
A good body with a dull brain is as
cheap as life itself.
I congratulate you, and may fortune
smile on most of you.
Then Kirk Douglas came to us and was
having trouble with Spartacus.
He had shot for three days. . .
. . .and wanted to replace the director
who was on the film. . .
. . .and asked if Stanley could be
acquired, sort of on a loan-out basis.
We thought it'd be good for his career
and for our company.
I thought he did an incredible job
of taking that film. . .
. . .which the script didn't even have
battle sequences in it. . .
. . .and sort of did some recasting
of some of the parts. . .
. . .took some of the film to Spain
and did the big battle scenes. . .
. . .and turned it
into a marvelous epic film.
I was rather dreading the arrival
of Stanley. I didn't know him. . .
. . .but I had seen Paths of Glory...
. . .which I find one of the best
films I've ever seen.
In spite of your vices you are
the most generous Roman of our time.
Ladies. Since when are they a vice?
I had a high opinion of him but also
had a great affection for Tony Mann.
Tony Mann directed the early parts
of the film. . .
. . .the ones in Death Valley,
which I think probably the studio. . .
. . .wanted the reassurance of an older,
more routine man.
Kirk always had the idea
of wanting Stanley.