Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures

. . .morphine, vitamin pills,
pep pills. . .

...sleeping pills,
tranquilizer pills...

:42:11 miniature combination
Russian phrase book and Bible.

While we were shooting,
somebody had invited. . .

. . .some American service personnel
to come to Shepperton.

They were terrified. . .
. . .by the amount of accuracy
we had in this aircraft. . .

. . .and the next day I got a memo
from Stanley saying:

"You better make sure that you know
where all your references came from. . .

. . .because otherwise we might be
investigated by the FBI. "

I discovered very quickly. . .
. . .that behind
this boyish enthusiasm. . .

. . .and apparent naiveté,
there was this super brain. . .

. . .and enormous power. . .
. . .and utter dedication
to moviemaking.

It was quite demoralizing at
times when he changed his mind. . .

. . .but every time he did,
it was for the better.

But I learned a great deal
on that film.

Sir, I have a plan.
Mein Führer!
I can walk!
I was kind of shocked by it at first.
It was so irreverent, and it was
the height of the Cold War.

I was at NYU at the time,
but my friends I saw the film with. . .

. . .some were at a Jesuit college called
Fordham, others were street kids.

We went to see this movie.
They loved it.

And they were conservative.
