His way of making a film was
to concentrate. . .
. . .on seven or eight, as he called
them, "non-submersible units. "
And what this meant was you had a very
good chunk, and you had another. . .
. . .and when you had six good chunks,
you were almost home with a movie.
It would be easy to connect them,
and. . .
. . .you can see
this principle operating. . .
. . .in particular in 200 1...
. . .where I believe that the bits
don't quite fit on.
And this is why there's a mystery
about it that still interests people.
I just remember seeing the picture
for the first time. . .
. . .and feeling that it wasn't a movie,
it was the first time. . .
. . .that the motion picture form
had been changed.
It wasn't a documentary,
and it wasn't a drama. . .
. . .and it wasn't really
science fiction.
It was more science eventuality.
Hal, despite your enormous intellect,
are you ever frustrated...
...by your dependence on people
to carry out actions?
Not in the slightest bit.
I enjoy working with people.
I have a stimulating relationship
with Dr. Poole and Dr. Bowman.
My mission responsibilities range over
the entire operation of the ship...
...so I am constantly occupied.
I am putting myself
to the fullest possible use...
... which is all, I think, that any
conscious entity can ever hope to do.
Unlike many
a science fiction writer. . .
. . .including, I must say, myself. . .
. . .he regarded
the future as unknowable.
This is the first movie, the first work
of science fiction that actually. . .
. . .I think, depicts the future
as unknowable.
Eighteen months ago...
... the first evidence
of intelligent life off the Earth...
... was discovered.
It was buried 40 feet
below the lunar surface...