Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures

. . .of intercuttable shots
that ultimately later. . .

. . .leant itself in Stanley's mind
to the Strauss waltz.

I think the history of the cinema
divides into two essential eras:

Before Stanley Kubrick
and after Stanley Kubrick.

Especially in relation
to the use of music in films.

Before Stanley Kubrick, music tended
to be used in films. . .

. . .as either decorative
or as heightening emotions.

After Stanley Kubrick, because of his
use of classical music in particular. . .

. . .it became absolutely an essential
part of the narrative. . .

. . .intellectual drive of the film.
I actually knew that piece of Ligeti
he used. . .

. . .and I remember seeing 200 1
and thinking:

"This can't possibly be Ligeti
in a Hollywood film. "

But it was, and of course, it makes
the sequence utterly unforgettable.

It was for me,
especially the visual fantasy. . .

. . .with the speed, with the color
and light changes. . .

. . .when the spaceship goes down. . .
. . .on the moon of Jupiter.
And then the speed is more and more
and more. . .
