When 200 1 opened,
like previous films of Kubrick's. . .
. . .it split both the critics
and the audience.
The opening of 200 1
was very frightening. . .
. . .because we had all the executives
sitting in the audience. . .
. . .very old, many of them.
They didn't understand the film at
all and left, whole rows of them.
And we were panic stricken.
Then there was an enormous. . .
. . .catastrophic meeting
in our hotel room. . .
. . .and Stanley was so upset
he lost his voice.
We were up all night. The next
morning we went to this house. . .
. . .and Stanley was battling on
in New York.
I fell, clutching my handbag,
across. . .
. . .my bed asleep,
because I hadn't slept all night.
And woke up to the sounds of a DJ. . .
. . .saying:
"This is the most fantastic film and
people are queuing around the block. "
He was talking about 200 1.
I was desperately trying
to ring Stanley to tell him. . .
. . .some people like it, it was the
blue-rinse brigade that walked out.
He told me that the first. . .