Suchwiin bulmyeong

That bastard, you rotten son
of a bitch! Where are you
going, with a baby? Bastard

What? We’re just riding a bike
What’s the matter?

You think I don’t know
what you are?

Pretend to be nice and
then eat her up!

I served three years
at Camp Carol

Eunok, do you want to
end up like Chang-Guk’s mom?

Hurry up and go home!
What are you saying now?
You can’t give me our pension?

By any chance, have you heard
from Mr. Wonil Jang?

How can I hear from
a dead person?

You see... actually
they say Wonil Jang
didn’t die in the war

that he’s alive in North Korea
It’s been confirmed
that Wonil Jang voluntarily
went to the North..

Voluntarily went to the North?!
So what we’re saying is
if Wonil Jang comes here
quickly report it to this man

And in the future, if you leave
the village even for a day, please
report to us. Your children, too

Are you keeping an eye on us?
The family of a soldier
who received a medal of merit?

You’re no longer a family
of a merited soldier but
a soldier who defected to the North

It’s 180 degrees different
Keep this in mind...

we’re always watching you...
Please return the medal and
certificate of merit by
tomorrow, please

Don’t cry
They say father’s alive!

What use is he alive now?
What are we going to live on?

Damn! Why take it out on me?
You...what’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong?

Who’s the bastard?
Tell me now!

Look at me!
