When you think of Cape Cod
you probably think ofbeaches...
...lobster, little fishing villages.
I grew up here,
and I mostly think ofbaseball.
The best amateur ball in the country
is played in the Cape Cod Baseball League.
Playing here is the chance of a lifetime.
I've been mowing this field in Chatham
since I was 14...
...but this summer it feels a little different.
If you're a college player, the Cape
is where you want to go for the summer.
Little towns like Yarmouth and Dennis,
Wareham and Chatham.
Families open their homes to kids
from all over the country...
...who come to show their stuff
to big league scouts.
Hi, I'm Billy Brubaker. This is Miles....
Dalrymple. Love y'all's house.
So, how's the surf?.
Some of us are farther away from home
than we've ever been...
...staying with people who have
strange ideas about being a house parent.
Are you hungry, honey?
Come here, I have something for you.
They say one in six big leaguers played
in the Cape League.
I can't count
all the ones I've seen play on this field.
Bagwell, Bell, Biggio...
...Nomar, Mo Vaughn, the Big Hurt.
I've watched so many dreams
come true and die...
...on the ball fields of the Cape.
Hard as it is to believe, now it's my turn.
Now I'm the guy
the scouts will be watching.
I'm the guy putting it on the line
every time I take the mound.