Nothing, it's old friends...
...and new friends.
I saw you at the game.
I had to pick up Katie and I saw you there.
Those outfits are cute.
They're nice.
I like a pinstripe.
It's slimming. It makes you look thin.
Not that you're fat or anything.
And you wear your socks really high.
It's sweet.
It's cool. It's cool...
...your whole outfit, or uniform.
"Uniform," that's what it's called, right?
Okay, I'm going to shut up now.
I've got a game, so....
-I'm going to go.
Someone left fresh cut flowers
on my windowsill this morning.
It was really sweet.
I'll make sure I get the message.
Everything you do, on the field and off...
...affects your wallet.
It's a shame to be hitting .190
on the field...
...because you're hitting .700
in some gin mill.
It's a shame...
...to see your dreams
and your bank accounts...
...go up in smoke.
Any more garbage from you guys...
...and your ass will be warming the vinyl
of a bus seat back to Mommy.
I don't care who you are.
Now, get out of here.
Give me a C! C!
You got your C, you got your C.
Give me an H, H!
You got your H, you got your H.