Strike three!
You are out of there!
Give me the ball.
My God!
All right! Way to go!
I'm proud of you guys.
You're making me look good out there.
Ryan, you get to start Saturday
against Hyannis.
You know what they say about us lefties.
The Earth's gravitational force
is in our favor. It makes our pitches dance.
Dunne is going to get lit up.
Lawn boy.
Hope you're ready.
For what?
It's the best lineup in the League.
You got two guys batting over .400.
Both of them first rounders,
solid gold bonus babies.
Yeah. So?
So everyone in that lineup
can take your yard.
Every scout in the country
is going to be there.
I'd think twice before inviting the friends.
It could get embarrassing.
Come on, man.
There you go.
I'm starting against Hyannis on Saturday.
They got two first rounders
that tear the cover off the ball.
What inning should I show up for?
I should probably get there early, right?