Summer Catch

I was a pitcher at Florida State
for three years.

I had a cup of coffee with the Twins.
Half a cup.
When you're a pitcher...
:53:17 got to pray
that your stuff will show up.

Then one day you have this moment
where it all just arrives. Everything clicks.

Command, control, velocity.
You feel...
You'll spend many nights
out there looking for it.

But once you've found it,
just once, it's yours.

You have it inside you,
and you know you have it.

It gives you the strength
to go out there night after night...

...and face those sons of bitches.
Holding your breath and go-cart racing
will never be Olympic events.

Why not?
-Ry, what's up?
-What's up, man?

Go get them. You're wicked awesome.
Ry in the game tonight, baby.

What if I cut my left arm off?.
Do you think they'd let me compete
in the Special Olympics?

I'd really love to win a medal.
Why don't you go sit by the garbage
and think about what you just said, okay?

You need to go, bud.
That's messed up, Pete.

Hey, fish girl, get out of here.
Go. Get out of here. Take a hike.
Still scoreless as the Hyannis Mets
come to bat in the top of the fourth.

Say, Dick, what do you make
of this kid, Dunne?

-Good fast ball, bad mechanics.
-But there's something about him.

He's throwing that heavy ball and
a heavy ball ain't going to find many bats.

-I'll see you tomorrow.
-Yeah, you will.
