So what!
We're going home.
- Please, no!
- What?
- Don't want to go home?
- No.
Go home!
Let me see your tears.
Shit, he has to bug me
even when he interviews me.
l like going to the library
in Belgrade, like my dad.
When my dad's in Belgrade,
he goes to the library.
He really relaxes there.
Your father carries books
around with him.
l don't need the library.
When we lived
in the French countryside,
l'd listen to and copy Sly Dunbar,
Copeland, Barrett.
When l came to Belgrade
and met Ceda,
l forgot the others because Ceda
and l had the same musical feeling.
So where's the brandy?
Sit down, Nele. Here it comes!
- You play.
- Reminds me of Steve Gedd.
But it's not Steve Gedd. lt's us.
Sure, it's us.
Do it again.
Ah, double kick.