There are two kinds of funerals:
city and country funerals.
When we play at country funerals,
we see kettles smoking,
pork, lambs turning on a spit.
Which means...a good lunch.
Their soups were the tastiest.
They never skimp on a funeral.
Whatever price you say, they agree.
But you can't charge too much
for 10-15 minutes of work.
ln the city... it's like America.
You wear shades.
''Good day, good day.''
No priest, no nothing.
Speeches in front of the town hall.
You play.
The crypt is concrete. They close
the lid and everyone leaves.
Sometimes they organize
a very modest lunch
in some rented restaurant.
But usually we don't attend them.
lt's modest, as l said.
lt's not worth it.
You take your 20 DM and...
You get used to it.
l cried in the beginning.
lt's not easy going to funerals
every day. lt's not normal.
l thought of quitting,
but you gotta make a living.
lt used to be well paid.
When you ask a peasant
how far the cemetery is,
and he says 1 .5 kms,
you know it's twice as far.
lt's a strain. To get back down
afterwards, we take
a tractor, horse or wagon,
depending on how they brought
the body.
Then we put the tuba, drum and
heavier instruments on the wagon,
climb on ourselves
and come back down.
Then we wait for the priest to come
and light the candle,
and then we can eat.