Super 8 Stories

Chico, fuck you!
What's this? The end of the show?
Yes, it is.
Well, play the music!
We did the sketch not only
because we think

and are politically literate.
We simply had a certain fear.

Sadly, reality was always worse
than what we showed

on ''Surreal Top List.''
The irony of the sketch
was even greater

when the war began in '92.
My parents stayed in their flat.
The Bosnian Muslim police came
and asked my father

for all the playscripts l'd written.
Among other things they found
my script, ''Sarajevo Wall''.

This was vital evidence
that l took part

in the dismemberment
of what was then called Sarajevo.

Why are you throwing that? Stop!
You're throwing things.
You threw things at us yesterday.
Look who's throwing things!
What'd you say?
Fuck your TV show.
