We're going with Baker Bohanon.
I think you're making a mistake.
I've seen your sales.
You're in big trouble.
Oh, no. We are America's
favorite hot dog, son.
Were. Were.
You're a dinosaur.
You're flat-lining.
You're dead meat.
And you just went too far,
you little punk.
So I'll tell you
what I really think of your campaign.
This is cheap, tasteless crap.
That's funny,
because so is your product.
Stop it.
I make a wholesome hot dog, you prick.
It's mystery meat.
-Come on, Nelson!
-It's toxic waste in a tube!
You're killing me!
You're killing us!
You're killing all of us!
Mr. Leach! Hey, buddy!
What the hell happened in there?
I know.
Can you believe that asshole?
Baker Bohanon.
I've always said you're brilliant.
A machine.
But I knew one day you'd snap,
and we'd all burn.
What are you talking about, burn?
You know what was at stake?
How many millions you lost?
You just dragged my agency's name
through the gutter.
Hold on a second.
I'm the best thing this agency's got.
And that rabid dog routine
makes you the best?
I don't think so.
It makes you a wreck!
It makes you a liability.
You need a vacation. Now.
Screw vacation.
Give me another account. Come on.
Nelson, did you hear me?
Take a vacation.
Short or permanent, your choice.
Are you threatening me?
That's hilarious.
I'm two Clio's ahead of the game, Ray.
You can't afford to lose me.