What? Nelson.
-Who the hell was that, your pimp?
Chaz lives downstairs.
We look after each other.
I think Chaz can take care of himself.
He just needs a good night's sleep.
-Hi, sweetheart, how are you?
-Hey, guys. Nelson....
-It's okay.
I was trying to introduce you.
That's AI and Osiris.
They own that bookstore.
They used to be friends
with Jack Kerouac.
I don't care. I don't read.
Sara, can you spare 1 5 bucks?
Bruce, I gave you those clothes.
Why are you so greedy?
That's my shirt! Those are my pants!
-Doesn't it feel good to give?
-You November?
-Where am l?
You have to meet.
Nelson, this is Abner. Abner, Nelson.
Abner's gonna set
a world record one day.
-What's today's project?
-Standing on one leg. Want to time me?
I have to break
the record of 300 hours.
Get a life.
Good one.
You let a 10-year-old wind you up?
Forget him. What about you?
You sleep with half the city,
get the whole neighborhood involved.
-You'd prefer if I was a virgin?
-Considering the alternative, yes.
I'm yours.
All yours.
Look, Sara, you're great.
You're a very sexy, smart,
interesting, somewhat unusual woman.
But we-- I always think it's best
to clarify issues.
You are the most egotistical man
I've ever met.
I am talking about a month.
The truth is, I don't have a month.
Time is money.
Okay. Let's just--
How long do you think...
...you could put this big, lucrative
career of yours on hold? Just, just--