Oh, Nelson, that was terrible.
You didn't even get close.
This is funny?
I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Sara, you're not going to be upset
when I leave tonight?
I told you one day.
Yeah, of course.
Mitch was my October.
He was so shy.
I think he was the shyest man
I've ever met.
...we focused on strengthening
his confidence.
And was the patient cured?
Oh, yeah.
My treatment was so effective...
...that we had to terminate
the month early.
And what about September?
No. No September.
You didn't think I was weird
about it, did you?
And you and all these guys...?
Does it matter that much to you?
Why a month?
It's long enough to be meaningful and
short enough to stay out of trouble.
It was delicious.
It's getting late.
Don't worry about this.
I'll clean it up.
What are you gonna do
when you go home?