[Music playing]
[Tapping, spring rattling]
[Music playing]
- Wow.
- Mmm.
- Wow.
- Mm-hmm.
- Wow.
- Yes, Marlin.
No, l see it.
lt's beautiful.
So, Coral, when you said
you wanted an ocean view...
you didn't think you'd get
the whole ocean, did you?
[Sighs] Oh, yeah.
A fish can breathe out here.
Did your man deliver,
or did he deliver?
- My man delivered.
- And it wasn't so easy.
Because a lot of other clownfish
had their eyes on this place.
You better believe they did...
every single one of them.
Mm-hmm. You did good.
And the neighborhood
is awesome.
[Chattering and laughing]
So, you do like it, don't you?
No, no. l do, l do.
l really do like it.
But, Marlin, l know that
the drop off is desirable...
with the great schools
and the amazing view...
but do we really need
so much space?
but do we really need
so much space?
Coral, honey, these are our kids
we're talking about.
They deserve the best.
Look, look, look.
They'll wake up,
poke their little heads out...
and they see a whale!
Right by their bedroom window.
and they see a whale!
Right by their bedroom window.
Shh. You'll wake the kids.
Oh, right, right.
Aw, look. They're dreaming.
We still have to name them.
You want to name
all of them right now?