Get back here!
l said get back here now!
Stop! You take
one more move, mister...
Don't you dare!
lf you put one fin
on that boat...
Are you listening to me?
Don't touch the bo... Nemo!
He touched the butt.
You paddle your little tail
right back here, Nemo.
That's right.
You are in big trouble,
young man.
Do you hear me? Big...
[Respirator hisses]
- Big...
- Aah!
[Gasps] Aah!
Daddy! Help me!
l'm coming, Nemo!
- Aah!
- Get under me, kids!
Aah! Oh! No!
Oh! Nemo!
Unh. Nemo!
Nemo, no! Nemo!
Nemo! Nemo! No!
Uhh. [Panting]
Nemo! Nemo!
[Dramatic music playing]
Whoa! Hold on.
[Marlin panting]
Oh, no.
No. No, it's gone.
lt's gone.
No, no,
it can't be gone.
No, no! Nemo!
Nemo! Nemo!
Nemo! Nemo!
No! [lnhales]