Now, Dory,
l want you to tell me...
Do you see anything?
l see a... l see a light.
- A light?
- Yeah. Over there.
- Hey, conscience, am l dead?
- No. l see it, too.
[Dramatic music playing]
What is it?
lt's so pretty.
l'm feeling... happy...
which is a big deal for me.
l want to touch it.
- Oh.
- Ooh.
Hey, come back.
Come on back here.
l'm gonna get you
l'm gonna get you.
l'm gonna swim with you
l'm gonna get you.
l'm gonna be
your best friend
Good feeling's gone.
- Whoa!
- Waah!
MARLlN: l can't see!
l don't know where l'm going!
DORY: Haah!
DORY: Haah!
- The mask!
- What mask?
OK, l can't see a thing.
- Oh, gee.
- Hey, look, a mask.
Read it!
DORY: l'm sorry,
but if you could just...
bring it a little closer,
l kind of need the light.
bring it a little closer,
l kind of need the light.
That's great.
Keep it right there.
- Just read it!
- OK, OK.
Mr. Bossy. Uh, "P."
OK. "P. Sher..."
"Sher... P. Sher..."
P. Shirley? P..."
Oh. The first line's
"P. Sherman."
"P. Sherman"
doesn't make any sense!
DORY: OK. Second line. "42."
MARLlN: Don't eat me.
Don't eat me. Aah!
DORY: Light, please!
[Muffled screaming]
DORY: "Walla... walla..."
MARLlN: Waah! Waah! Waah!
DORY: The second line's
"42 Wallaby Way."
MARLlN: That's great.
Speed read. Take a guess.
No pressure. No problem.
There's a lot of pressure.
Pressure! Take a guess
now with pressure!