Ted here's got relatives
in Sydney.
- Don't you, Ted?
- Sure do!
Oh! Hey!
They know Sydney!
You wouldn't know how
to get there, would you?
You want to follow the E.A.C.
That's the East
Australian Current.
Big current.
Can't miss it.
lt's in... that direction.
And then you follow that
for about...
l don't know.
What do you guys think?
About three leagues?
That little baby will put you
right past Sydney.
- Ta-da!
- That's great!
Dory, you did it!
Oh, please,
l'm just your little helper.
- Helping along. That's me.
- Fellas, thank you.
LEADER: Don't mention it!
Just loosen up, OK, buddy?
DORY: Oh, you guys.
You really nailed him. Bye.
LEADER: Oh, hey, ma'am.
One more thing.
When you come to this trench,
swim through it, not over it.
DORY: Trench...
through it, not over it.
l'll remember. Hey, hey!
Hey, wait up, partner!
Hold on!
Wait, wait, wait!
l gotta tell you something.
DORY: Nice trench.
DORY: Hello!
- OK, let's go.
- No, no. Bad trench.
Come on, we'll swim over
this thing.
Whoa, partner.
Little red flag going up.
Something's telling me
to swim through it, not over it.
Are you looking at this thing?
lt's got death
written all over it.
l really, really, really
think we should swim through.
And l'm really, really done
talking about this. Over we go.
- Trust me on this.
- Trust you?
Yes, trust.
lt's what friends do.
Look! Something shiny!
- Where?
- lt just swam over the trench.
- Come on, we'll follow it!
- OK!
Boy, it sure is clear up here.
Exactly. And look at that...
there's the current.
We should be there in no time.
Hey, little guy.
You wanted to go
through the trench.
l shall call him Squishy,
and he shall be mine.
And he shall be my Squishy.
Come here, Squishy.
Come here, little Squishy.