
( grunting )

Okay, man. Look, I'm just sorry
you broke up. All right?

I'm sorry for you both.
Don't be sorry
for that bitch.

Fine, Vince. I'm just
sorry for you. Okay?

Next subject.
Vince: Well...
she says if I get my act together,
keep going to the meetings...

stop being a dick...
then she might consider
talking to me again.

Good. That's great, man.
Should we get some dinner?
I got to wait for a call.

From whom?
None of your business.

- From Leah?
- Vince: No.

Vince: Hey, you ready
for your big day tomorrow?

- You're mad.
- Vince: I'm not mad.

Hey, buddy,
you're allowed to be.

Vince: I'm not mad.
Don't be a fag, okay?

I'll find somebody else.
That's true.
...who appreciates my dark side.

Yeah, you know, but the thing is,
if you could maybe find a way

to learn something
from all this, then

you wouldn't have
as large a dark side.

Learn what?
Learn to deal with some
of your violent tendencies.

Oh yeah? How?
By acknowledging
them. Right?

John: By making
some type of...

truce with yourself,
where you're not in constant battle

to prove your integrity
or self-worth,

you know, whatever it is
you think nobody gets about you.

I don't think there's
anything to get about me.

Vince, your idea of manhood
is putting on Eddie Cochrane

and screwing
your girl. Okay?

Hey, I'm a simple man.
Well, it's not like that anymore.
Women want other things.
