Tell me something.
Have you ever done anything
you regretted?
You have.
That you never apologized for?
Um hmm.
why are you doing this?
It must be...
that I have guilt,
all right,
for all the things
I never apologized for...
and that I'm taking it
out on you.
so then it's irrational.
Yeah, I agree.
So give me the tape.
No fucking way.
You know something? I wasn't going
to give her the tape at all,
except now, with the way
that you're acting,
it's like
I have no choice.
( Vince chuckling )
Listen, you should
really get going.
She called me from her cell.
She's a couple of minutes away.
Okay, that's it.
Give me the tape, Vince.
- Uh... no.
- Vince!
- What?
- Give me the tape.
Feel free
to leave at anytime.
Stop being
a dick, Vince.
I won't take get
in your way this time.
- Vincent!
- Vincent!
Vince: Get off me!
( knocking on door )