Taxi para tres

Hurry, Coto!
lt's just an old lady!

She won't let go!
Leave her alone, she's just
a poor old lady.

-l don't want to hear that.
-Cool it, easy...

Get ready to bust outta here!
C'mon, go!
-Go, cab driver!
-Let's go, get outta here!

Get outta here or
or l'll rip the roof to pieces!

The red light!
Careful with the red light!
Watch it! Watch it! Watch it!

Stop, we know you can drive,
madman! Stop, cabdriver!

Stop, stop, stop, stop!
Watch it! Are you a bus driver?
Fuck you!
Cool, Fitipaldi!
Fitipaldi, Fitipaldi!
Fitipaldi, Fitipaldi, Fitipaldi!
Fitipaldi, Fitipaldi!
One buck for Cotito, one buck
for me, one for Fitipaldi.

-One buck for me,...
-Hey, teach me how to drive.

:06:49 for Fitipaldi.
-l wanna drive like you.

-One for me, another one for you,
another for Fitipaldi. -Hey, man!

One buck for Cotito,
one for me, one for Fitipaldi.
