Hostage? Why don't you run away
now? Nobody sees you.
lf l'm not back in 5 minutes,
they'll cut the seats of my Lada.
But it's not for my problems
that l'm here. l...
-...convinced them what they're doing
was fucked up. -They're muggers.
Yes, first they were gonna give you
two blankets, but...
-...if they caught you, you'd be
screwed. -So?
What d'you mean so? Leave that
wound alone, man!
You should cover it,
it makes me nervous.
The youngest got scared stiff, he
didn't have the guts to cut me.
-lf he had to, he'd cut your arm off.
-You think so?
Listen, kiddo,
what these guys want...
...is to rob your boss.
Give them the address, you'll get a
share, they'll take care of everything.
You can leave the tricycle in the
small shop.
Rob my boss?
Yes. You can always say you
were robbed.
C'mon, boy, let's go before
they fuck up my Lada.
They keep the money at an office,
next to the counter.
The old man in glasses knows.
Alright, you two be ready
to get out of here.
Hey, mister, thank you.
On top of all,
the asshole thanks me.
-Hey, are you hungry?
-A little.