lt's time to do something.
Try not to draw attention,
this is enemy territory.
They're off! ''Iria Marina'' in first
pIace, 2nd goes ''MaIacatosa'',...
3rd, ''First Lady'', 4th, ''How are
you'', 5th, ''Coto'' on the outside.
...6th, ''Nerea'',
7th, ''Headache''.
What are you doing?
-l bet on Coto! -What?
-Yes, there's a horse named Coto!
We're here to work, asshole.
lf you don't come,
l'll do it alone.
-Coto goes first. And Coto wins!
-Go, go, go!
Cool! Great!
¡Assault! ¡Assault!
The start engine's out.
-How much's to fix a fuckin' mess
like this? -Around 2 thousand!
-How much could we have made?
-5 million! Plus what my horse won!
And this asshole decides to play
horses, damn!
Stop it, stop it, man!
C'mon, speed up!
You stole nothing, man!
We're the worst, man,
we're the worst!