( thunder rumbling
in the distance )
( man coughs )
( grunting with effort )
( thunder rumbling )
( horse neighing )
( horse whinnies )
you know,
that's a right pretty spot
for a resting place.
Who's the grave for?
The grave's for me.
Wait too long
ground'll be froze.
Leander, come spend the winter
at my ranch.
You rode down,
we'd have a place for you.
Be like old times.
I don't reckon
I'll last the winter.
Governor said
he sent some of his men.
you wouldn't show at the door.
Said maybe you'd auswer for me.
The governor
just wants to talk with you.
you don't got to say
yes or no
or it's a cold September.
All you got to do is see him,
( stagecoach rattling )