What do you think, huh?
( snorts )
Lincoln! Lincoln!
We're Rangers!
We made it!
( laughing )
We're not sleeping
under the stars.
We got a tent.
Oh, it's nice, too.
you got to see it.
( laughing )
It's a tent!
I got my be...
I'm on the left!
Fisher's been splitting
his men into several bands.
They've been
raiding ranches
all along this trail
on the way to Mexico.
Captain? Mr. Dunnison's
reporting, sir.
Send him in.
Sergeant said
you wanted to see me.
Thanks, Frank.
Take a seat, Mr. Dunnison.
Notebook and pen are yours.
Every word I say,
you write it down.
Something slips by,
slow me down.
Understood, sir.
October 26.
Company now
fully outfitted
with 30 men,
orphans mostly.
youngest 15.
We'll leave tomorrow
and train on the trail.
Fisher split his men
into smaller raiding parties.
Lord hope that we're
not attacked directly.
( McNelly coughing )
Scant trail
weakness with weapons...
Expect desertions along the way.
Expect... expect most of
these boys will not survive.
( coughing )
I'm capable
of writing
my reports to the government,
Mr. Dunnison.
but there will come a time
when I am not.
I'd rather have you
in the habit.
( coughing )
( gasping )