The Lord is coming for me,
Mr. Dunnison.
Sir, then why ride?
I figure it's better
I walk to meet Him...
...than sit and wait.
What'd the captain want?
He's dying.
Our captain is dying.
Our mission is to stop
the outlaw John King Fisher.
Fisher and his men
have been burning ranches
thieving cattle and
driving them into Mexico
where he sells them
to the Mexican army.
More than a million
beeves stolen.
More than
400 men murdered.
We'll be patrolling
border country
to find these animals,
bring them to justice.
U.S. Cavalry's
got a mandate
to settle Indian matters.
Leaves us to protect
the Texan way.
It's our home, Rangers
and we got right
on our side.
Ain't no outlaw
stands a fighting chance!
( gunshots )
( cheering and whooping )
( crowd cheering )
( cheering coutinues )