God, not me.
Oh, please God!
Oye, muchacho, por aca.
Stand back!
Stand back!
Don't move!
Oh, God! Oh, God! Get up!
( gun cocking )
( horse whinnies )
Leave them alone!
Their dead alone!
( groans )
I'm getting you
out of here.
Help me! I surrender!
Help me!
I surrender!
Help me!
I surren--
Retreat, Rangers!
( gunshot rings out )
Thank God!
We're retreating!
Come on!
We're retreating!
We're retreating!
Giddup! Let's go!
Next time you train your Rangers
train them
how to run!
Go with God, McNelly.
If the son of a bitch
will have you.
( horse whinnies )