We're taking her
to Carmargo.
( cattle lowing )
( lowing in distance )
Another hour
and it's sunup.
Any sign over there?
Dust, Captain.
Dust and sky.
Night... why
wouldn't they
raid at night?
She wasn't dead.
I don't follow.
The rest were dead.
And she wasn't.
So why'd they leave her behind?
Hey, Captain!
Captain, wait up!
( gasps )
They let you live! Why?
To say what? What?!
--Stop! you're scaring her!
Le diije qne no se!
Captain, she told you
what she heard them say!
What they wanted her
to hear!
What they wanted her to say!
( sobbing )
Men, we are riding back
to Dukes.
Dunnison, Donavan, Scipio
stay behind
with Sergeant Armstrong.
Take Perdita
as our prisoner.