Texas Rangers

Turned out to find himself
a copper mine

so they killed my daddy.
you shouldn't be able
to just shoot a man

and claim his land.
Yeah, I aim to
change that.

So, uh, Sergeant say
whether he'll use you as
a rifleman or a scout?

A rifleman or a scout?
Well, every white
boy I met yet

says Sergeant
made him a rifleman.

Every colored, like me
Sergeant made a scout.
Well, every war
I ever heard of

scouts get killed
before the shooters

'cause they're the stupid son
of a bitches sent out front.

And if I don't meet
some white boy scouts soon

President Grant's
going to be hearing from me.

A strongly worded letter's
always best.

They say I'm a scout?
you see this star here?
I'm gonna show them
I'm a shooter.

What do you think, huh?
Lincoln! Lincoln!
We're Rangers!
We made it!
We're not sleeping
under the stars.

We got a tent.
Oh, it's nice, too.
you got to see it.
It's a tent!
I got my be...
I'm on the left!

Fisher's been splitting
his men into several bands.
They've been
raiding ranches

all along this trail
on the way to Mexico.

Captain? Mr. Dunnison's
reporting, sir.

Send him in.
Sergeant said
you wanted to see me.

Thanks, Frank.
Take a seat, Mr. Dunnison.
Notebook and pen are yours.
Every word I say,
you write it down.

Something slips by,
slow me down.

Understood, sir.
October 26.
Company now
fully outfitted

with 30 men,
orphans mostly.
